I've curated a wonderful book called SLAYETH LOVE,
food for your soul... Check it out, order it, share it :)
Also, if you haven't yet read my latest book "On m'adorait", order it here
Mon dernier livre, "On m'adorait" vous enchantera !
Commandez-le ici
23.06 - 6 pm Burg Hülshoff Münsterland, DE
12.05 - 7pm Gropius Bau Berlin
16.03 - 8pm Maneggareal ZH, CH
09.03 - 6pm Afrikalab Geneva, CH
28.02 - 2.03 - Tojo Theater BE, CH
13.01 - 7pm - UnOrt Gallery ZH, CH
2o.11 - 6pm - Miller Club ZH, CH
20.10 - 2pm - Autscape - Online (subscribe for zoom link)
29.09 - 6pm - Seeley Drive SE21 London, UK
22.09 - 6pm - Caveau de la Louve - Lausanne, CH
2.08 - 2pm - The Hayes Conference Centre - Swanwick, UK
27.07 - 6pm - UglyDuck - London, UK
1.07 - 8pm - Spielact - le Commun - Geneva, CH
19.06 - 9am - University of Nairobi - Nairobi, Kenya

My primary medium is poetry. My wrting is primarily in French, but I have also written and published in English, German, Italian and Spanish. Poetry gives me access to my subconscious and to something I call resonance.
My latest book, "on m'adorait"/"they adored me", is a long poem written with my selective mutism (an expression of autism). We travel through time and take long walks in the forest.
Il aurait pu être possible d'entrer si doucement
dans quelque chose de si dense
Quelque chose de danse
De danser si doucement
L'être possible
It could have been possible 

To enter so gently
Into something dancing
To dance gently
The possibility of being
I have developped my writing through spoken word; and have developped performances since 2017 and have performed in dozens of countries. Here are some trailers of previous performances.
My performances have taken me to Centres Artes Santa Monica Barcelona, Spaziogamma Milano, Istituto svizzero di Milano, Wordpride Madrid, Institut français Antananarivo Madagascar, Red Wheelbarrow Cape Town, South Africa, University of Nairobi, Kenya, Museum of contemporary Art Geneva, Zürich school of Arts, Gessnerallee Zürich, Théâtre de l'Usine Geneva, Pavillon Hannover, Germany, and more.
I am dedicated to develop my subjectivity and to create this space for everyone, with a special focus on marginalized voices or voices who don't know yet they exist. Does your group or insitution want to be part in the development of new talents and subjectivities? I'd be glad to hold on a workshop. Here's a example of what I do.